Books available at:
Please consider ordering from your local indie bookstore. Mine are Skylight Books and Book Soup.
Sweetbitter on Starz
Introduction to Black Swans by Eve Babitz
New York Magazine Stray Excerpt
New York Magazine Stray Excerpt
Refinery29 Stray Excerpt
Sewanee Review Stray Excerpt
Sewanne Review Corona Correspondences
Sewanee Review “Her Kind: A Reaction to Lisa Taddeo’s Three Women”
New York Times Book Review “Two Novels for and About Lost Millennial Women”
Sewanee Review “Stoned Fruits”
T The New York Time Style Magazine “What One Writer Eats After a Slew of Rich Restaurant Meals”
New York Times Book Review “Can Women Have It All? Not in Silicon Valley”
Powell's "I or She: Re-reading Hardwick, Adler, and Didion"
New York Magazine Grub Street Diet
Sewanee Review "Engrams, California"
Literary Hub "Of Talisman and the End of Love"
Vogue "Hooked on Love"
The Paris Review "The Unravelers"
Bon Appétite Sweetbitter excerpt
Travel + Leisure "In Peru's Sacred Valley, Peace Awaits"
Travel + Leisure "The Way They Cook in Sicily"
Travel + Leisure "A Pilgrimage for Peace, Answers, and Solitude—and Finding None"
Photo by Emily Knecht
Stephanie Danler is a novelist, memoirist, and screenwriter. She is the author of Stray and the international bestseller Sweetbitter. She is the creator and executive producer of the Sweetbitter television series on Starz.
Her work has appeared in the Sewanee Review, The New York Times Book Review, Vogue, Airmail, T: The New York Times Style Magazine, The Paris Review Daily, Time, Travel & Leisure, CondeNast Traveler, and New York Magazine.
Her nonfiction received an Honorable Mention in Best American Essays 2018 and 2019, and her criticism won the 2019 Robert B. Heilman award from the Sewanee Review.
In 2022, she sold Smog, a neo-noir novel set in 1990s Los Angeles, to Scribner and Scribner UK.
For inquiries regarding Stray and Sweetbitter, please contact Angie Venezia at Vintage & Anchor Books
Film and Television
For television, please contact Olivia Blaustein and for film, please contact Ruby Kaye, both at CAA
For speaking engagements, please contact Madeleine Denman at Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau
For all other inquires, please contact Melissa Flashman at Janklow & Nesbit Associates